


我们可以用简单的句子来描述肚子疼的感觉。我们可以说“My stomach hurts”或者“My tummy is hurting”,其中,“stomach”和“tummy”都是指肚子的意思。这两种表达方式都是日常口语中常见的说法。


1. “I have a mild stomachache.” (我有点轻微的肚子疼。)

2. “I have a severe stomachache.” (我有严重的肚子疼。)

3. “I have a sharp stomach pain.” (我有剧烈的肚子疼痛。)

4. “I have a constant stomachache.” (我一直有肚子疼。)


1. “I have a stomachache and I feel nauseous.” (我肚子疼还觉得恶心。)

2. “I have a stomachache and I have been vomiting.” (我肚子疼还一直在呕吐。)

3. “I have a stomachache and I have diarrhea.” (我肚子疼还拉肚子。)


1. “I need to see a doctor. I have a stomachache.” (我需要看医生,我肚子疼。)

2. “Can you please recommend a good clinic or hospital? I have a severe stomachache.” (你能推荐一家好的诊所或医院吗?我肚子疼得很厉害。)

3. “Is there a pharmacy nearby? I have a stomachache and I need some medicine.” (附近有药店吗?我肚子疼,需要一些药。)


How to Express Stomachache in English

Stomachaches are a common ailment that most people experience at some point in their lives. Whether it's due to indigestion, food poisoning, or simply overeating, a stomachache can be quite uncomfortable. When you find yourself in such a situation while communicating in English, it's essential to know how to express your discomfort accurately. Here are some common phrases and expressions you can use to convey that you have a stomachache in English:

1. "I have a stomachache": This simple and straightforward sentence clearly communicates that you are experiencing discomfort in your stomach. It is the most direct way to express your condition.

2. "My stomach hurts": Similar to the first expression, this sentence also conveys that you are in pain or experiencing discomfort in your stomach. It is commonly used and easily understood by native English speakers.

3. "I feel nauseous": Nausea often accompanies stomachaches. If you are feeling queasy or have the urge to vomit, this phrase effectively communicates your condition.

4. "I have an upset stomach": This phrase suggests that your stomach is feeling unsettled or agitated, possibly due to something you ate or an underlying condition. It implies a general feeling of discomfort or unease in your abdominal area.

5. "I think I have food poisoning": If you suspect that your stomachache is a result of consuming contaminated food or drinks, you can use this phrase to express your suspicion. It indicates that you believe you have ingested something that is causing your stomach distress.

6. "I have indigestion": Indigestion occurs when your body struggles to break down food, resulting in discomfort and sometimes pain in the stomach. This phrase communicates that you believe your stomachache is a result of difficulties in the digestive process.

7. "I have a stomach cramp": A stomach cramp refers to a sudden, sharp pain in the abdominal area. If your stomachache feels like a cramp, this expression accurately conveys the type of pain you are experiencing.

Remember, it is crucial to provide as much context as possible when describing your stomachache. For instance, if you need immediate medical attention, be sure to mention the severity of your pain or any other symptoms you may be experiencing. Additionally, you can ask for specific assistance or remedies by using phrases like "What can I do to relieve my stomachache?" or "Is there a pharmacy nearby?"

By familiarizing yourself with these expressions, you can effectively communicate your discomfort in English and seek appropriate assistance or remedies when needed.

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